CHANGE Adventure Camp

Children on nature walk with leader

CHANGE Adventure Camps encourage interaction with nature and the development of new skills for children and adults. CHANGE camps come in three styles:

Field trips

Experience play outdoors and activities for children that focus on interaction with nature and food, having fun and promoting good nutritional habits. Main activities: hiking, exploring nature, cooking classes and lunch preparation, relay races, trivia games, obstacle courses, fort building, yoga, geocache.

Summer camps

Week-long nature experience which focuses on discovery, exploration and health. Main activities include: search and explore, survival 101, cooking skill development, edible plants, fishing, chef contests, obstacle course, fort building, nature time, guided walks, common birds and plants, explore the edible forest, camping 101, water safety and kayaking/canoeing, gardening, campfires, parcour, relay races, nature yoga, sleep under the stars, geocaching.

Weekend family camps

How can I get my kids to put down their electronics, come out of their rooms and have fun outside? CHANGE Adventure camp is a good start. Reconnect, Revive, Restore! Reconnect your family with nature, Revive your relationships and Restore healthy living as a family. The weekend family camp blends family activities with healthy living. Main activities include: search and explore, survival 101, cooking skill development, edible plants, fishing, chef contests, obstacle course, fort building, nature time, guided walks, common birds and plants, explore the edible forest, camping 101, water safety and kayaking/canoeing, gardening, campfires, parcour, relay races, nature yoga, sleep under the stars, geocaching.


Three-year study sees success in reversing symptoms of metabolic syndrome